The College



Montgomery Guru Nanak College of Education, Adarsh Nagar, Jalandhar was founded in the year 1955. It celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 2005. 
  Montgomery Guru Nanak College of Education is one of the most prestigious institution which was established in the year 1955 with B.T. class. When the college was established, it was then, known as Montgomery Guru Nanak Basic Training College. Dr. Harnam Singh, Retd. DPI (Colleges), Punjab, was the founder Principal of the college. In 1967, in response to the general directive of the Panjab University, the college acquired its present name. The main course also underwent a change. Earlier on, it used to be B.T., but later it was B.Ed. From 1955 to 1962 JBT classes functioned successfully on its premises. OT classes were also run from 1974 to 1977 in this college by the trust successfully. In the year 1991-92 the college took the initiative and started one year B.Ed.(Nursery and Elementary course), with graduation as the basic qualification. As the state Govt. did not recognize this course equivalent to B.Ed., it had to be discontinued in the session 1994-95. M.Ed. course was first offered in 1996 with the ultimate objective to make the institution a Research Centre with an intake capacity of 25 students. Now the intake capcity for M.Ed is 50(1 unit) . The research work is an essential part of the M.Ed. curriculum. Intake capacity for B.Ed is 200  (4 units)  .
  Montgomery Guru Nanak  College is fast coming up in the field of Teacher Education. Despite its earlier achievements, it continues to seek fresh fields and new pastures. Locally, ours is the most sought after college. Obviously, it’s nothing short of light house in the field of Teacher Education. It turns out year after year youthful teachers who perspire and inspire the ordinary into the extra ordinary.
Ph.D. programme was introduced in the year 2001. 

      The college has a reputation in the academics. In every session, B.Ed. and M.Ed. students of this college bag one or more university positions. Not only this, students actively participate in co curricular activities and win laurels for the college. The college emphasizes on the training of skills related to usage of computer for assessing information from online and offline sources, for preparing presentations for teaching, research reviews and statistical analysis of data.   
     The college focuses on the development of communication skills and versatility in the personality of students by providing regular exposure to seminars, workshops and extension lectures by experts, conferences, poetical recitation and debate competitions, morning assemblies etc. A lot of emphasis is laid on providing hands on experiences to students in the training of teaching skills, preparation of micro and composite lesson plans, visual aids, administration of psychology tests, operation of technological equipments, community surveys, usage of computer along with internet etc.   
      The college consistently works for professional development of its teachers and tries to develop a professional culture with values orientation.